Project Coordinator
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Country: Spain
Universidad Europea de Madrid is a higher education institution in Madrid, Spain. The mission of the University is to provide their students with a holistic education, shaping leaders and professionals prepared to respond to the demands of a global world, who will add value to their professional fields and contribute to social progress with their entrepreneurial spirit and ethical values. They educate and create excellent professionals: 89% of alumni are employed within 12 months and provide various programs, including English-only, in areas, such as Engineering and Technology, Communication and Marketing, Gaming & Multimedia, Experimental Sciences, Education, Languages, and many more.
Website: https://universidadeuropea.es/en

PROMPT-H Information Technology Educational, Trade, and Service Ltd.
Country: Hungary
Prompt Hungary Ltd. was founded in 1989 for ICT training, software, and hardware development, and computer service activities by highly qualified experts on ICT, with academic background. Prompt Ltd. is specialized in software and hardware development, mainly in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning Systems (dynamical e-learning systems – LMS, LCMS, CMS, a portal engine based on RDBMS), and digital security, alarm, and observational systems. The company is proud of employing innovative trainers, creative IT engineers working together to unite the latest knowledge with the newest, computer-based methods, and high performance IT technology. On this basis, the company has carried out several R&D projects successfully both at national and European levels.
Website: https://www.prompt.hu/en

The Irish Computer Society
Country: Ireland
The Irish Computer Society is the professional body that has represented Ireland’s world-renowned ICT professionals of Ireland since 1967. The society supports ICT professionals at every stage of their career journeys, from the earliest career steps, to mature professionals implementing new transformative technologies.
With extensive membership talent, the ICS leverages its world-class expertise to advance national and European policy in digital literacy, and professional-level skills development. Working on eHealth, cybersecurity, data protection, and other stakeholder initiatives to ensure continuous improvement and diversity through policy, legislation, and standards.
Website: https://www.ics.ie/

European Software Institute – Center Eastern Europe
Country: Bulgaria
The European Software Institute – Center Eastern Europe (ESI CEE) is the regional excellence center of the European Software Institute and is a not-for-profit organization focused on applied research and services for the benefit of the ICT industry. ESI CEE’s core activities are focused on the field of applied research in the field of information security and software quality, awareness, training, coaching, and appraisals in the field of cyber resilience (RMM, OWASP, etc.), agile development (Lean Kanban and Scrum), and process management (CMMI, Balanced Scorecards, MBO, etc.).
Website: https://www.esicenter.bg/

Számalk-Salesian Post-Secondary Technical School
Country: Hungary
Számalk is funded by the Hungarian Salesian Administrative Body for Education and offers courses with an admission criterion of GCSE/secondary qualification, which means that their students range from 18 years of age upwards. The training lasts 2 years and Számalk offers training in three big areas: IT, arts and humanities. Számalk’s training portfolio presently contains 20 programs in 7 vocations at advanced and high levels. 800 students participate in different training programs preparing for the labor market.
Website: https://www.szamalk-szalezi.hu/

125th Secondary Comprehensive School “Boyan Penev”
Country: Bulgaria
125th Secondary School with Intensive Language Learning “Boyan Penev” was created 65 years ago soon after the second world war with the goal to provide a holistic education for students. Nowadays, a school with longstanding traditions in foreign language instruction and with high achievements in the field of Mathematics and Science on the one hand, and in Humanities on the other, it has about 1500 students each year from primary and secondary levels of education.
Website: http://sou125.com/

Munster Technological University
Country: Ireland
Munster Technological University (MTU) is a multi-campus technological university, contributing to the region through the provision of academic programmes that support student development and opportunities, education and research. MTU has an extensive and impressive regional footprint with six campuses across the South-West region in Cork and Kerry, and a student body of 18,000. The University offers a wide range of flexible full-time, part-time and online higher education courses (at all levels up to and including PhD) in art & design, business, engineering, humanities, music, maritime studies and science & information technology. MTU has a number of successful research, innovation, knowledge exchange and enterprise engagement centres which have had many notable achievements, and have been successful in attracting Irish, EU and international funding. Among these are the Rubicon Centre, Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence, Nimbus and CREATE Research Centres, MTU Extended Campus and the University’s Department of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). The Department of TEL is the main entity within the University partnering on the Be@CyberPro project.
Website: https://www.mtu.ie/

Colegio JOYFE
Country: Spain
Colegio Joyfe is a private school in Madrid, Spain with 2,000 students aged from 3 to 18 years. It is a bilingual private school that follows the Spanish curriculum. The school is located in eastern Madrid and has excellent premises including indoor and outdoor sports facilities. With more than 59 years of experience in promoting the talent of students, strengthening their leadership skills, and cultivating a spirit of collaboration, Joyfe aims to establish in their students the capacity and competence to learn and become creative people following their own passions through an active methodology in which the student is the protagonist of their own learning process.
Website: https://www.joyfe.es/

Universidad de Alcalá
Country: Spain
Located in Alcalá de Henares, a World Heritage city, the University of Alcalá is one of the educational institutions with the greatest tradition and history in Europe. During the 16th and 17th centuries, the University of Alcalá became the great center of academic excellence: in its classrooms great teachers such as Nebrija, Tomás de Villanueva, Ginés de Sepúlveda, Ignacio de Loyola, Domingo de Soto, Ambrosio de Morales, Arias Montano, Juan de Mariana, Francisco Vallés de Covarrubias, Juan de la Cruz, Lope de Vega, Quevedo, etc. Today the UAH is an innovative and modern university, fully adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
Website: https://www.uah.es/en/