The Be@CyberPro Videogame is one of the highlights of the Be@CyberPro project and its development has been ongoing since the onset of the project!
The Be@CyberPro team, led by the Cork Institute of Technology in Ireland, has been working hard to create an educational game as part of the main project outputs, the main goal of which is to produce an interactive digital game for young students to help them develop the skills and knowledge necessary to promote and actively engage in cybersecurity career profiles.
The design approach followed the identification of the desired learning outcomes, as well as the assessment activities and the learning content from the other project outputs. Our designers analyzed the audience to identify the most effective game genre and accompanying mechanics to facilitate the learning experience and raise general awareness on cybersecurity careers by including cybersecurity challenges and mini-games. The result is an awesome and enjoyable and inspiring game-based learning experience for secondary school students.

provided by the game development team from Cork Institute of Technology in Ireland
Our developers designed an interactive browser-enabled digital game, to enable students from various contexts and with different equipment to be able to play. The gameplay is designed to span between 40 minutes and 1 hour – the duration of a regular school class. The game follows a role-playing game immersion style, where players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. The main protagonist, a high school girl, is set out to solve a variety of cybersecurity-related challenges, native to different cybersecurity career profiles, to help her friends and schoolmates in a set of situations.
You can also check out a narrated walkthrough for each of the levels here:
The Be@CyberPro video game, as well as the educational resources for students created under the project, are currently being piloted with students from the 4 partnering countries in the secondary and vocational education schools. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the students’ experience with the game will be performed, in order to assess and validate the educational impact of the game, the relevance for learning, the motivation and the degree of satisfaction of students and teachers with the educational resources and the video game.
More information bout the game pilots is coming soon.