The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented cybersecurity challenges. While most of us are juggling having to work or study from home and focusing on our families’ and on our own health and economic wellbeing, cybercriminals have become even more active, finding ingenious ways to capitalize on the crisis.
With a widely observed increase in phishing and ransomware attacks, adversaries have been taking advantage of the ongoing cybersecurity crisis and are using it to impersonate authorities and official websites or communications, in order to mislead users and ultimately, make a profit.
As reports of end-users, becoming victims of ransomware or credential theft, resulting from downloading Covid-19 related files and applications, increase, the Be@CyberPro consortium has compiled for you five hot cybersecurity tips for the home office or for the purposes of remote learning during the Covid-19 crisis.
View them below or download them as .pdf in Bulgarian, English, Spanish, and Hungarian

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